Great Value Salmon Fishing!!

4000+ rod days of salmon fishing for just the membership fee; open to all, wherever you live!! Join now and enjoy memorable experiences in beautiful scenery on some of the finest salmon fishing beats in Scotland.

Scroll down for latest news!


Exciting News!!

Perth and District Anglers Association and Aberdeen and District Anglers Association have agreed an exchange permit scheme where each have 2 rods per day on designated beats on the respective Association waters. Information on the applicable beats is on the How to Book presentation which PDAA members can access from the Members Page. PDAA members MUST also download and READ the ADAA rules which cover the available fishing.

So, book your fishing and enjoy fishing on these famous ADAA rivers. Please obey the rules and remember to submit a catch return EVEN IF NOTHING CAUGHT!!



Perth & District Anglers Association

Membership of the PDAA offers some of the best-value salmon and trout fishing in the country. Beats for 2024 include Stobhall, Benchil, Pitlochrie, Dalguise, Upper Farleyer, and Pitnacree on the River Tay, BRDAA water on the River Ericht, East Haugh on the Tummel and Kinkell Bridge on the River Earn.

There are few clubs that can equal the level of angling provision that we offer (approximately 4000 rod days per season) for the annual subscription only.

The subscription rates for 2024 are as follows:

Junior Member – under 17 years of age - FREE

Youth Member – 17 to 21 years of age - £40

Ordinary Member – 22 to 64 years of age - £260

Senior Member – 65 years of age and over - £205

Junior Trout Member – under 17 years of age - FREE

Trout Member –17 years of age and over - £30


New members must join via the online join form, after submitting this, full instructions will be sent.

Existing members should pay via BACS transfer -

Account Name: Perth and District Anglers Association

Reference:                   Surname/Membership number (DO NOT FORGET THIS!!)

Sort code:                    83 47 00          Account:  19631792


Although we are not attending the Scottish Game Fair this year we will still be continuing with our "Game Fair Special" on subscriptions. Members joining from 01 July onwards will benefit from a 50% reduction in subs for new Ordinary and Senior members. This means that the subs will be £130 for Ordinary members and £102.50 for Senior members. As we say, PDAA offers Scotland's best value Salmon fishing!!


Joining PDAA

Membership offers considerable benefits -  access to some of the best beats on the Tay (over 4000 rod days) for just the subscription, help for those new to salmon fishing with casting clinics and a "buddy" system, seminars, trout fishing competitions, as well as joining a friendly group who are willing to offer advice where required.

Members area

Our members' area is designed to bring together all the information you require, plus simple booking of permits.